Biology is about growth. This applies to the science and it applies to life-science ventures. And if, like cells and many plant and animal species, these ventures grow by doubling, all the better.
What we do

We build non-traditional life-science companies in non-traditional ways.

Biotech ventures are a major source for novel therapeutics. There have been, will continue to be, many successes. And the business model (so long as the underlying biology works) is well established. We are involved in a few such ventures ourselves.

But our heart lies on the road less travelled. Where are the opportunities outside core therapeutics? What are the most robust business models for such businesses? How can life-science ventures best play a wider role in meeting the challenges of the modern world?

Neil Goldsmith
Neil Goldsmith


Neil is a serial entrepreneur with broad experience of the life science sector. Founder or otherwise instrumental in the early development of multiple ventures over 35+ years, including Evolva (CH), Topotarget (DK), Biotage (SE), PNA Diagnostics (DK), BIAcore (SE), Quadrant (UK) & Scientific Generics (UK). Six have so far achieved stock market listings, five trade sale exit, with a few failures along the way.

Andy Gardiner
Andy Gardiner


Andy has more than twenty five years’ experience of forming and running early-stage biotech companies, mainly in CEO and CFO roles. He had four years as CEO of crop-protection start-up InSecta and has been CEO of Norfolk Plant Sciences, a UK company focused on tomato genetics. Helped to build digital consultancy Seven League in both MD and FD roles. He has been involved in companies in UK, Denmark, Spain, Portugal and Slovakia.


Biological solutions for aquatic ecosystems


Novel therapies for fibrosis and solid tumors

Norfolk Plant Sciences

Bioengineered purple tomatoes with high levels of antioxidants


Microbial conversion of carbon to protein

Aida Oncology

Helping every cancer patient to get the most effective drugs

Conarium Bioworks

Bio-melatonin from precision fermentation


Using biology to change the properties of small molecules


Building the next generation of biotech ventures

Chosa Oncology

Improving cancer survival rates

News from our portfolio

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